Q&A: Could I hire a boat to ferry me and my car from Alaska to Russia?

Question by godfather: Could I hire a boat to ferry me and my car from Alaska to Russia?
I understand it would be expensive but I would just like to know if it is possible?

Best answer:

Answer by jaker
You would have to make sure the Russians would allow it. If so I am sure you could hire a US boat to do it.

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One Reply to “Q&A: Could I hire a boat to ferry me and my car from Alaska to Russia?”

  1. Sure, it’s possible. But you will have to deal with both US and Russian customs.

    And keep in mind that the boat trip will be at least 3,000 miles. It’s not like you can drive to the tip of Alaska, then drive away from the tip of Siberia. There are no roads up there, so the ferry trip will be from Anchorage to Vladivostok.

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