What is the current value of alaska blue king crab for fisherman?

Question by Jill: What is the current value of alaska blue king crab for fisherman?
Is the value of Red King Crab and Alaska Blue King Crab any different? Just wondering why some fisherman try to catch Blue King Crab when they are so much more elusive and seem not to catch near as many. TIA peeps!!

Best answer:

Answer by Al Rozz
At .99 a pound, I’ll stick to hamburgers.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

3 Replies to “What is the current value of alaska blue king crab for fisherman?”

  1. After researching the question I was unable to find out any difference in the wholesale cost of the red crab and the blue crab . But I did come across a great link telling everything you may wish to know about the industry. I found it extremely interesting.


  2. Do To Nuke power plant in Japan dumping millions of gallons of radio active water into the pacific ocean I would look at the possable effects on comerical fishing taking a huge hit. who wants to eat glow in the dark crab??
    Maybe one day we will all learn to take better care of this planet we all call home.

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